(a) All requests for approval under this Ordinance, including but not limited to a Zoning Permit, Certificate of Zoning Compliance, Zoning Amendment (unless initiated by Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission), Variance and Conditional Use, shall begin with the submittal of an application by the property owner or his/her agent.
(b) Any time frames associated with the review of application shall not commence until such time an application is considered to be complete. A completed application shall include all required submissions and payment in full of all required fees, as determined by separate Ordinance adopted and periodically updated from time to time by City Council.
(c) The Zoning Inspector* is responsible for determining whether an application is complete and ready to be processed. If an application is deemed incomplete, the Zoning Inspector shall notify an applicant by providing a list of deficiencies. The applicant will have thirty (30) days from this notification to revise its application or it will be considered null and void. Fees are non-refundable.
*The Chair of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall determine the completeness of applications for an appeal to the Zoning Inspector's decision.
(d) If the application requires review by the Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals, the Zoning Inspector will forward the completed application onto the appropriate board for review.
(e) All decisions on applications, unless otherwise noted elsewhere in this Ordinance, shall be made within thirty days of a completed application or within thirty (30) days of the closing of any required public hearings for said application.
(f) If a variance or conditional use application is approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals, the applicant must obtain a Zoning Permit within six months of the Board's action and prior to establishing the use or commencing construction.
(1) If a Zoning Permit is not obtained within six (6) months of the Board's approval, the Board's action shall be null and void.
(2) If a Zoning Permit is not obtained prior to establishing the use or commencing construction in accordance with the Board's action, then such use or construction shall be considered a violation and punishable in accordance with this Ordinance.
(Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 2-21-23.)