(a)   Establishment and Organization.
      (1)   The Planning and Zoning Commission is established and organized in accordance with Chapters 711 and 713 of the Ohio Revised Code.
      (2)   The Planning and Commission shall have seven (7) members consisting of the following:
         A.   The Mayor
         B.   The Director of Public Service
         C.   President of the Board of Park Commissioners
         D.   Four (4) residents of the City appointed by the Mayor.
      (3)   The term of each member shall be six (6) years.
      (4)   A Commission member shall be removed for non-performance of duty, misconduct in office, or other cause as determined by the City Council.
         Prior to removing a member, City Council shall hold a hearing regarding the charges. The member shall be given the opportunity to respond to the charges during this hearing.
      (5)   If a Commission member is removed or resigns prior to the expiration of his or her term, the Mayor shall be responsible for appointing a new Commission member within sixty (60) days to fill the unexpired term.
   (b)   Procedures.
      (1)   Four (4) members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. Any action by the Commission must be by a concurring vote of the majority of the Commission members present.
      (2)   All Planning and Zoning Commission meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.
      (3)   The Commission shall elect a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary at its first meeting of each calendar year. The Commission shall, from time to time, adopt rules and regulations necessary to administer this Zoning Ordinance.
      (4)   All actions of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be initiated by motion and shall be recorded in the minutes.
      (5)   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon each application or question, or if a member is absent or fails to vote, the minutes shall indicate this fact.
      (6)   At the request of the Commission, City Council shall budget and appropriate funds and enter into a contract to retain services of a Recording Secretary. If no Recording Secretary is retained, the Commission member elected as Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the minutes as indicated in this section.
      (7)   All applications and materials submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission in addition to the meeting minutes shall be considered a public record.
   (c)   Duties and Responsibilities.
      (1)   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
         A.   Develop and recommend a Comprehensive Plan and amendments of said plan to Council.
         B.   Initiate appropriate map or text changes to this Ordinance when such revisions would promote public health, safety and welfare.
         C.   Review all proposed text and map amendments to this Ordinance in accordance with this Code and make recommendations to City Council.
         D.   Serve as the platting authority for the City and assume all duties and responsibilities granted under Sections 711, 713, and 735 of the Ohio Revised Code.
         E.   Review and approve/deny development plans when required by this Ordinance.
         F.   Review and approve/deny Site Plan Design applications.
         G.   Prepare and make recommendations to Council on a zoning plan for newly annexed lands pursuant to the procedures of this Ordinance.
         H.   Any other powers granted by this Ordinance or the Ohio Revised Code.
      (2)   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall also have any other powers granted by this Ordinance or the Ohio Revised Code not specifically stated herein. (Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 2-21-23.)