The Duties and Objectives of the Tree Commission shall be as follows:
(a) Study the problems, investigate, make recommendations, and advise the City Administration and Council in connection with standards for the care, selection, preservation, trimming, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of trees and shrubs in public ways, streets, alleys, parks, cemeteries, public schools and other publicly owned properties within the City;
(b) Study, investigate, develop, update, and administer a written plan of minimum standards for caring, preserving, pruning, replanting, removing or disposing of trees shrubs along public streets, rights of way, parks, cemeteries, public schools and other publicly owned properties within the City for recommendation to the City Administration and Council;
(c) Establish a suggested and prohibited species list for the City and recommend to the City the types and kinds of trees to be planted on City property;
(d) Assist properly constituted officials of the City as well as Council and citizens in the dissemination of news and information regarding the selection, planting and maintenance of trees within the corporate limits, whether the trees are on private or public property, and to make recommendations from time to time to Council as to desirable legislation concerning the tree program and activities for the City;
(e) Identify trees in public ways, streets, alleys, parks, cemeteries, public schools and other publicly owned properties within the City for immediate removal;
(f) Solicit grants or contributions and volunteers on behalf of the City and an inventory, enhancing the City's tree plan and educating the public;
(g) Provide technical advice and assistance to the developers, builders, contractors, subcontractors and others in the selection, replacement and protection of naturally occurring trees, prior to the development of any construction sites;
(h) Recommend legislation to Council concerning the regulation of tree trimmers, the issuances of permits for tree trimming within the City, the tree program and related activities of the City;
(i) Provide programs at which the subject of trees as it relates to the City may be discussed by its members, city officials and others interested in the tree program;
(j) Plan an annual Arbor Day Program, observance or proclamation if desired; and
(k) Encourage the City to obtain Tree City USA Designation.
(Ord. 03-13-2020. Passed 3-24-20.)