(a)   Membership. The Circleville Tree Commission shall consist of seven members. The members shall be appointed by Council. At least three of the seven appointees shall be residents of the City. In making appointments consideration shall be given to appointing people engaged in the practice of Urban forestry, conservation, nursery production, landscape architecture, plant sciences education, or master gardeners certified by the Ohio State University Extension.
   (b)   Term. The term of each person appointed by Council shall be for three years, except that the term of two of the members appointed to the first commission shall be for one year, and the term of two members of the first commission shall be for two years. In the event that a vacancy shall occur during the term of any member, Council shall appoint his or her successor
to complete the unexpired term.
   (c)   Compensation. The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation.
   (d)   Organization. Within a reasonable time after the appointment of the Tree Commission and the approval of the members by City Council, the Tree Commission shall meet and organize by the election of a Chairman, a Vice Chairman and a Secretary. The Tree Commission shall then provide for the adoption of rules and procedures for the holding of regular and special meetings as it shall deem advisable and necessary in order to perform the duties set forth therein. The Tree Commission shall keep a written journal of its proceedings which shall be made available for public inspection. A majority of the members present at each meeting shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. The Commission shall meet a minimum of six times
per year and hold such other meetings as the Commission deems necessary.
(Ord. 03-13-2020. Passed 3-24-20.)