(a)   Penalties.  
      (1)   Non-Registration. The first violation for a person performing work within the City limits without first registering shall be a minor misdemeanor and any subsequent violation shall be a misdemeanor of the third degree.
      (2)   Revocation. The Building Inspector may suspend or revoke any registration for good cause shown. Sufficient cause shall include:
         A.   Any act or omission that puts any other person at risk of personal injury or property loss;
         B.   Fraudulent use of the registration either by the registrant or registrant’s agent; or
         C.   Providing materially false information of a serious nature in the process of applying for registration.
   (b)   Revocation Process.
      (1)   Notice. Notice of a contemplated suspension or revocation shall be in writing, stating the cause and effective date. The notice shall be served upon the registrant by certified mail and it shall be set forth that if certified mail is refused or unclaimed as pursuant to the Civil, Rules of the State of Ohio, then service by regular mail with a certificate of mailing is deemed effective; or personal service. Upon receipt of such notice, the registrant shall have ten calendar days in which to make written request for a hearing before the Advisory Board by filing such a request with the Building Department. If no such hearing is requested, the suspension or revocation shall take effect as specified in the notice.
      (2)   Hearing. After receipt of a request for a hearing, the Building Department shall convene a hearing of the full Advisory Board no later than twenty calendar days prior to the effective date, to permit the registrant to show cause why the registration should not be suspended or revoked, as specified in the notice.
      (3)   Decision. No later than fifteen calendar days prior to the effective date, the Advisory Board shall issue a written decision suspending, revoking, modifying or denying the proposed action. The Advisory Board’s decision shall be served upon the registrant by certified mail and upon the Building Department.
      (4)   Appeal. Either the registrant or the City may appeal the decision of the Advisory Board in the Court of Common Pleas for Pickaway County, by filing an action no later than fifteen calendar days after the date of the decision.
         (Ord. 08-51-01. Passed 8-21-01.)