The following policy guidelines which are based upon accepted standards as developed by the Federal Highway Administration and others, and the analysis of conditions in the local area, are hereby adopted and approved as the guidelines to be used by the City to assist in identifying the location and design of sidewalks within the City:
(a)   Sidewalks shall be required on all new residential subdivisions as currently required in the current City Subdivision Regulations.
   (b)   In the older areas of the City (south of Hargus Creek) programs should stress the repair and maintenance of existing sidewalks, and the initial establishment of sidewalks in particular targeted areas.
   (c)   In older areas, special consideration (through variance) should be given to the preservation and maintenance of historic sidewalks composed of cut stone and/or brick.
   (d)    North of Hargus Creek, programs should emphasize the establishment of new sidewalks in targeted areas showing the greatest need.
   (e)   Streets which have the greatest need for adequate sidewalks are as follows:
      (1)   Streets directly serving major generators of pedestrian activity, particularly elementary schools.
      (2)   Streets having collector, or higher, status on the adopted Thoroughfare Plan.
      (3)   Streets having sufficient right-of-way, and no major physical intrusions on that right-of-way.
   (f)   The highest priority should be assigned to streets meeting some or all of the "greatest need" criteria established above, and, in addition, having discontinuous sidewalks and "missing links".
   (g)   Standards and criteria for the construction and maintenance of sidewalks shall be maintained and periodically updated by the Service Department.
      (Res. 10-60-95. Passed 10-3-95.)