Each applicant for a permit shall be sufficiently experienced and qualified in the opinion of the Director to do the work contemplated in full accordance with the City's requirements. Applicants shall give bond in an amount to be determined by the Director, but in no case less than five-hundred dollars ($500.00) for new construction and one-hundred dollars ($100.00) for repair work, with sufficient surety, conditioned that such applicant will fully indemnify the City and save it harmless from loss or damage occasioned to it, directly or indirectly, from any act or omission in the performance of any such work, and that the applicant will replace and restore to their pre- existing condition any portion of the street, curbings, sidewalks, or other City-owned or City- controlled property which may be disturbed or interfered with by him in such construction.
(Ord. 4185. Passed 8-23-56.)