(a)   Cutting and Removing of Noxious Weeds. Any person owning or having the right to the possession of any lot or land within the City shall at all times keep such property free and clear from all noxious weeds and rank vegetation and shall be required to cut all such weeds and vegetation on the lots owned or controlled by him or her at least twice in every year, once between June 1 and July 1 and once between August 1 and September 1. Any person owning or having the right to possession of lots or land within the City shall at all times keep any weeds or vegetation on such lot or land below twelve inches in height at all times even if this requires cutting such weeds or vegetation more than twice in every year.
   (b)   Definition of Noxious Weeds. Noxious weeds and rank vegetation shall include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   Any weeds such as Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Jimson Weed, Burdock, Ragweed, Thistle, Cocklebur, Milkweed, Mulleins or other weeds of a like kind;
      (2)   Bushes of the species of tall, common or European Barberry, further known as Berberis Vulgaris or its horticultural varieties;
      (3)   Any weeds, grass or plants other than trees, bushes, flowers or other ornamental plants, growing to a height exceeding twelve inches;
      (4)   Any weed or wild growth which, by reason of the pollen or seed it spreads/produces, or the density of its growth, or its unsightliness, injuriously affects the public health, safety or welfare.
   (c)   Noxious Weeds and Public Nuisances. All noxious weeds are declared to be public nuisances.
   (d)   Frequency of Cutting of Noxious Weeds. All noxious weeds shall be cut and removed or destroyed by the owner or other person having the right to possession of any lot or land within the City on which the weeds or wild growths are growing, as often as necessary to prevent the development of pollen and/or seed, and at least 100 feet from all lot lines which abut upon any occupied premises or any public thoroughfare.
(Ord. 6-44-92. Passed 6-16-92.)