(A)   The Mayor, with the approval of the Council, shall designate a law enforcement officer as Chief of Police.
   (B)   It shall be the responsibility of the Chief of Police to:
      (1)   Execute and return all processes issued or directed to him or her by any legal authority;
      (2)   Arrest all persons who attempt to commit, or have committed, a breach of peace or violation of any local government code or state law, and to bring the violator before the appropriate court;
      (3)   Have charge and control of all law enforcement officers subject to such rules of the town or state law;
      (4)   Be responsible to the town for all property in his or her Department;
      (5)   Make a monthly report to the Mayor on the general condition of the Department, together with such matters as pertain to his or her office; and
      (6)   Perform such other tasks as the Mayor may require.
(Prior Code, § 4-1-3) (Ord. passed 8-28-2006)