(A) Meetings of the Board of Adjustment shall be in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, at a reasonable time for the hearing of an appeal. Prior to the hearing, public notice shall be given, as well as due notice to the parties of interest.
(B) The concurring vote of four members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision, or determination of any such administrative officials, or to decide in favor of the applicant on any matter upon which it is required to pass under any such ordinance, or to effect any variation in such ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 4-4-3)
(A) The Mayor shall designate a Town Services Superintendent, certified under the provisions of MCA Title 37, Chapter 42, for the Street, Water, and Sewer Department.
(B) The Town Services Superintendent of the Street, Water, and Sewer Department shall serve a term coincidental with that of the Mayor.
(C) Salaries and compensation for the Town Services Superintendent of the Street, Water, and Sewer Department and employees shall be fixed by resolution of the Town Council.
(Prior Code, § 4-3-2)
It shall be the responsibility of the Town Services Superintendent of Street, Water, and Sewer Department to:
(A) Maintain a potable and pollution-free water supply;
(B) Maintain a high standard, continuous sewerage service;
(C) Maintain all streets and alleys in good repair, and oversee maintenance of sidewalks by property owners; and
(D) Be accountable to the town for all property in his or her Department.
(Prior Code, § 4-3-3)