§ 31.51 DUTIES.
   The duties of the Town Attorney shall be as follows:
   (A)   Be situated in a location to maintain necessary coordination with the general governmental activities of the town;
   (B)   Upon request, attend any regular or special meetings of the Town Council;
   (C)   Formulate drafts for contracts, forms, and other writings which may be required for the use of the town;
   (D)   The Town Attorney shall keep, in proper files, a record of all official opinions and a docket, or register, of all actions prosecuted and defended by the office of the Town Attorney, accompanied by all proceedings related to said actions;
   (E)   Upon request, give a written opinion upon all questions of law relating to municipal matters, submitted by the Council, Mayor, and/or individual members of the Council, municipal boards, or the head of any municipal department or office;
   (F)   Prepare ordinances which the Town Council may direct to be prepared, and report to the Council upon ordinances before their final passage by the Town Council;
   (G)   Act as attorney for the town in all matters affecting the town’s interest, and appear on behalf of the town before any court, tribunal, commission, or board. The Town Attorney shall prosecute or defend all actions and proceedings when requested by the Mayor or Council;
   (H)   Make a written report to the town and interested department heads of the defects in all contracts, documents, authorized power of any town officer, and ordinances submitted;
   (I)   After examination, offer a written opinion on, and recommend alterations pertaining to, contracts involving the town before they become binding upon the town; and
   (J)   Perform such additional duties imposed by law, ordinance, or by the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 2-4-3) (Ord. passed 5-22-2006)