§ 31.36 DUTIES.
   The duties of the Town Clerk shall be as follows:
   (A)   To attend all regular and special meetings of the Town Council, and prepare and publish a condensed statement of the proceedings thereof;
   (B)   To record each measure taken by the Town Council, stating where applicable whether the Mayor signed, vetoed, or took no action on the measure, and what action the Town Council made upon the Mayor’s veto, and upon every vote to record the ayes and nays of each individual member;
   (C)   To cause to be published all ordinances and amendments thereto enacted by the Town Council;
   (D)   To maintain a register of all effective town ordinances for public use;
   (E)   To attend all Town Council meetings and record, and preserve a correct record, of the proceedings;
   (F)   To publish notice of public hearings, elections, and other official actions as required by state law and town ordinances;
   (G)   To maintain all town records required by law, and certify with the county those records requiring certification;
   (H)   To have custody and be responsible for the safekeeping of all writings or documents in which the town is a party in interest, unless otherwise specifically directed by law or ordinance;
   (I)   To file and preserve all receipts, vouchers, and other documents kept, or that may be required to be kept, necessary to prove the validity of every transaction and the identity of every person having any beneficial relation thereto;
   (J)   To furnish upon request to any town officer a copy of any record, paper, or public document under his or her control when it may be necessary to such officer in the discharge of his or her duty. When requested, he or she shall furnish a copy to any citizen upon payment of a fee set by resolution;
   (K)   To authenticate all codes, amendments, resolutions, and other actions, except motions, with his or her signature, certifying the time and place of publication when required and, under the direction of the Mayor, affix the corporate seal to those public documents or instruments which are required to be attested to by the affixing of the seal;
   (L)   To keep and file all communications and petitions directed to the Town Council or to the town generally, and endorse thereon the action of the Town Council taken upon matters considered in such communications and petitions;
   (M)   To compile and preserve a complete record of every town election regular and special, and perform duties required by law or ordinance of the Town Clerk in regard to elections;
   (N)   To issue all licenses and permits approved by the Town Council, and keep a record of licenses and permits issued which shall show date of issuance, license or permit number, official receipt number, name of person to whom issued, term of license or permit, and purpose for which issued;
   (O)   To bill and collect all charges, rents, or fees due the town for utility and other services, and give a receipt therefor;
   (P)   To be the Treasurer for the town;
   (Q)   To draw all warrants for the town upon the order of the Town Council, and upon every warrant shall show the fund upon which drawn and the claim to be paid;
   (R)   To keep a warrant register in a form approved by the Town Council showing the warrant number, date, amount, payee’s name, upon what fund drawn, and for what claim each warrant is issued;
   (S)   To keep separate accounts for every appropriation, department, public improvement, or undertaking, and for every public utility owned or operated by the town. Each account shall be kept in the manner required by law;
   (T)   To balance all funds at the end of each month, and report to the Town Council at the first meeting of each month the status of each town account as of the end of the previous month;
   (U)   Following the adoption of the budget, the Town Clerk shall certify the necessary tax levy along with all special assessments to the county;
   (V)   To give to the Mayor, and all members, written notice of special Council meetings;
   (W)   To file on, or before, April 1 annually, with the State Commissioner of Insurance, the Fire Department Annual Financial Report and the Police Reserve Training Annual Financial Report; and
   (X)   To perform all other duties imposed upon the Clerk by law, ordinance, or by the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 2-3-2)