(A)   Criteria. A minor subdivision application qualifies for expedited review if the proposed subdivision meets the following criteria:
      (1)   No more than one additional lot is created, and the remaining land is greater than 160 acres in size, or two lots are created from a tract of record;
      (2)   No land is dedicated to the public for parkland, playgrounds, or other public uses, and no additional streets will be dedicated to public use;
      (3)   Each lot created, plus the remainder lot, has legal and physical access pursuant to town standards;
      (4)   The proposed subdivision does not pose significant issues concerning public health, safety, or welfare;
      (5)   Approval from the DEQ, as applicable, has already been obtained and is submitted as part of the application; and
      (6)   The proposed subdivision complies with these regulations and any applicable zoning laws.
   (B)   Procedures.
      (1)   The applicant shall request, in writing, consideration for expedited review at the time a pre-application meeting is requested.
      (2)   The Subdivision Administrator shall initially determine whether the application qualifies for expedited review at the pre-application meeting. If the Subdivision Administrator later determines that the subdivision application does not meet the expedited review criteria, the Subdivision Administrator shall notify the subdivider of the decision within five working days of making that determination.
      (3)   After the pre-application meeting, the Subdivision Administrator shall provide a letter to DEQ, if appropriate, advising it that the application qualifies for expedited review, so no public hearing is required and no public comments are available.
      (4)   After receiving DEQ approval, if required, the applicant shall submit all required application materials identified in § 154.05 of these regulations, along with the DEQ approval for element review in accordance with the application deadline in these regulations.
      (5)   The application will be reviewed for the required elements and sufficient information, as identified in § 154.05.
      (6)   The day after the Subdivision Administrator notifies the subdivider or the subdivider’s agent that the subdivision application is sufficient for review, the review period begins. The Subdivision Administrator shall review the application and make a recommendation for approval, conditional approval, or denial. The recommendation shall be forwarded to the applicant and the Town Council no more than 15 working days after the application is deemed sufficient for review.
   (C)   Approval.
      (1)   After receiving the recommendation from the Subdivision Administrator, the Town Council shall adopt findings of fact for approval, conditional approval, or denial no later than 35 working days after the application is deemed sufficient for review.
      (2)   The Town Council decision shall be documented pursuant to Section III-A-6.e.
      (3)   A dated and signed statement of approval shall be provided to the subdivider pursuant to Section III-A-6.f.
   (D)   Final plat filing. Once an application has been approved by the Town Council, or all conditions have been met if conditional approval was granted, the final plat can be prepared and filed in accordance with § 154.05 and Section III-A-6.f.
(Prior Code, § 11-4-12)