For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. A compound produced and sold for human consumption as a drink that contains more than 0.5% of alcohol by volume.
   BEER. A malt beverage containing not more than 7% of alcohol by volume.
   CLUB. A national fraternal organization, except college fraternities, or an association of individuals organized for social purposes and not for profit, with a permanent membership and an existence of two years prior to making application for license, with permanent quarters or rooms.
   INTERDICTED PERSONS. A person to whom the sale of alcoholic beverages are prohibited under the laws of the state.
   LICENSE. A license issued by the officers of the town, to a qualified person under which it shall be lawful for the licensee to sell and dispense alcoholic beverages at retail as provided in this chapter.
   LICENSEE. The person to whom a license is issued.
   LIQUOR. An alcoholic beverage except beer and table wine.
   MALT BEVERAGE. An alcoholic beverage made by the fermentation of an infusion or decoction, or a combination of both, in potable brewing water, of malted barley with or without other malted cereals, and with or without the addition of unmalted or prepared cereals, other carbohydrates, or products prepared therefrom, and with or without other wholesome products suitable for human food consumption.
   STATE LIQUOR STORE. A retail store established and operated by the State Department of Revenue under the laws of the state for the purpose of selling liquor.
   TABLE WINE. Wine as defined below, which contains not more than 16% alcohol by volume.
   WINE. An alcoholic beverage made from or containing the normal alcoholic fermentation of the juice of sound, ripe fruit or other agricultural products without addition or abstraction, except as may occur in the usual cellar treatment of clarifying and aging, and that contains more than 0.5% but not more than 24% of alcohol by volume. WINE may be ameliorated to correct natural deficiencies, sweetened, and fortified in accordance with applicable federal regulations and the customs and practices of the industry. Other alcoholic beverages not defined as above but made in the manner of wine, and labeled and sold as wine, in accordance with federal regulations, are also WINE.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-1)