A.   Each proposed CC Zone may be established by following standard rezoning procedures of this title and shall be accompanied by a master development plan (MDP) prepared by the applicant, in consultation with City staff and area property owners, which specifies land use areas. Design books, phased developments, and approved individual plats and site plans shall conform to the master development plan. The MDP shall contain:
      1.   Aerial image showing the zone location, acreage, boundary, scale, and north arrow;
      2.   Concept/bubble plans showing designated land uses areas, open space, conceptual vehicle transportation system, and conceptual bicycle and pedestrian transportation systems and facilities;
      3.   Phasing plan;
      4.   Existing transportation infrastructure, waterways, major utilities, and easements, and floodplain boundaries;
      5.   Topography and significant features on or adjacent to the property;
      6.   Architectural renderings demonstrating the development’s theme;
      7.   Narrative including a description of the densities of the project, a description of the proposed public or quasi-public amenities, and a description of how the development will satisfy the requirements of this chapter; and
      8.   A land use area table showing the number of dwelling units, commercial area, and densities within each respective land use area, and the total acreage of open space by area, and a list of permitted and conditional uses in each designated land use area.
      9.   A draft development agreement which includes proposed codes, covenants, and restrictions (CC&Rs), which said CC&Rs demonstrating how the developer intends to satisfy short and long-term obligations of the zoning district.
      10.   Any other appropriate supplementary information that may also be required by the Community Services Director.
      11.   Evidence of unified ownership or control.
   B.   The intent of the above is to achieve a consistent overall mixed use neighborhood with uniform and compatible site standards when the project area is completely built out. Remnant parcels left from old developments, rebuilds on existing parcels, or pads within existing center developments, are required to make reasonable compliance with mixed use development standards through consultation with the Community Services Director.
   C.   The MDP shall be adopted as an exhibit to the ordinance which establishes the specific CC Zone. The MDP, or portions thereof, may be amended only after review by the Land Use and Development Commission, with public input, and upon approval of the City Council after the establishment of the CC Zone, as may be needed. A development agreement between the City and the applicant may be required by the City Council and executed before the zoning designation shall be effective.
In consideration of the latitude given with CC Zone, the City shall have discretionary powers in judging and approving or disapproving the imaginative or unique concepts, innovations, and designs which shall be incorporated into the master development plan presented. (Ord. 778, 2018; amd. Ord. 845, 2022)