A.   This chapter is enacted pursuant to the City's general police powers pursuant to the authority granted to the City by title 50, Idaho Code, and pursuant to the authority granted to the City by section 67-8201 et seq., Idaho Code.
   B.   The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all of the territory within the limits of the City and to any unincorporated areas of the City within the City's Area of City Impact where the City has executed an intergovernmental agreement with Bannock County for purposes of collection or expenditure of impact fees pursuant to section 67-8204A, Idaho Code, and other applicable laws of the State of Idaho.
   C.   This chapter is effective June 3, 2019 ("effective date"), which effective date is more than thirty (30) days subsequent to the passage, approval and publication, according to law, of the ordinance codified herein, which adopted the provisions hereof.
   D.   Applications for building permits received by the City prior to the effective date hereof, or amendments hereto, adopting impact fees or amending or adopting any methodology by which impact fees are calculated, will be exempt from that portion of this chapter, or amendment enacted after such building permit application, if a valid building permit has been issued or construction has commenced prior to the effective date hereof, or amendment. For building permits that expire or are revoked after the effective date hereof, the fee payer shall be entitled to a refund of previously paid fees as provided herein, provided that in the case of reapplication for building permit, the impact fee in effect at that time shall be paid.
   E.   Notwithstanding any other provision of law, development requirements for system improvements shall be imposed by the City only by way of impact fees imposed pursuant to and in accordance with section 67-8201 et seq., Idaho Code, and this chapter. (Ord. 804, 2019)