A.   A police officer of the city may impound a vehicle, by causing it to be towed to a secure place and stored there until claimed, if:
      1.   It is parked or located in violation of this chapter or its operator has for any reason been rendered incapacitated or unavailable to take charge of it;
      2.   The vehicle represents a traffic hazard or is endangered by potential theft or vandalism unless moved;
      3.   An operator or owner of a vehicle fails to furnish or is unable to furnish proof of financial responsibility as required by title 49, chapter 15, Idaho Code.
   B.   The police officer shall make reasonable inquiry under the circumstances as to the availability of any person to move the vehicle with the owner's consent. If such person cannot reasonably be identified or located, the police officer may order impoundment by a reputable commercial towing and storage service. Such service shall be summoned on a nondiscriminatory basis, unless the owner or operator specifies a particular service. The service shall be entitled to charge and collect from the owner of the vehicle reasonable fees for towing and/or storage.
   C.   This section shall not limit the authority of the police officers to impound vehicles incident to search and seizure, or as otherwise permitted by law. (Ord. 309 §5, 1988: Ord. 185 §4(G), 1977)