A.   The following school zones are hereby created:
      1.   Ellis Elementary School: On Whitaker Road, three hundred thirty feet (330') northerly and three hundred fifty feet (350') southerly of the point where the centerline of Hampton Avenue intersects with Whitaker Road.
      2.   Chubbuck Elementary School: On Chubbuck Road, two hundred feet (200') easterly and westerly of the point where the centerline of Joy Street intersects with Chubbuck Road.
   B.   At such time as solar powered flashing school zone speed limit lights are installed, the school zone speed limit shall be twenty (20) miles per hour when the light is flashing and the speed limit in section 10.08.050 of this chapter when not flashing. Prior to the installation of such solar powered flashing school zone speed limit lights, the speed limit for the school zones shall be as established for the street upon which each of the school zones is located, as established in section 10.08.050 of this chapter, unless the time is between seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and five thirty o'clock (5:30) P.M. on a day when school is in session and children under the age of sixteen (16) are present within the school zone or eight feet (8') outside of the right of way encompassed by the school zone. When children are so present, the speed limit shall be twenty (20) miles per hour.
   C.   The public works director, or the director's designees, is authorized to post or cause to be posted the speed limits set forth in this section upon the school zones with such signage and preschool zone warning signs as are consistent with the traffic control devices prescribed by Idaho Code and by the school zone evaluation and traffic study report.
   D.   It shall be unlawful and punishable as an infraction for any person to operate a vehicle within these school zones at the times they are designated as school zones with a twenty (20) mile per hour speed limit at a speed in excess of that speed limit or at a speed that is greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions, having regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing. (Ord. 602 §2, 2005)