It is unlawful and punishable as an infraction for any owner or operator of a vehicle to cause or allow a violation of the following regulations:
   A.   No vehicle shall at any time be parked upon any public thoroughfare, including any street, highway, vehicularway, pedestrianway or other thoroughfare in such a manner as to prevent the free and uninterrupted use of the thoroughfare by other vehicles and pedestrians, or of any driveway belonging to or rightfully used by any person other than the person to whom the vehicle belongs.
   B.   No vehicle of any type on which any dimension is greater than eight feet (8') in width, twenty one feet six inches (21'6") in length, or nine feet (9') in height, shall be parked longer than one hour upon any public thoroughfare, including any street, highway, vehicularway, pedestrianway or other thoroughfare.
   C.   No van, trailer, tractor or other vehicle having a gross capacity greater than six (6) tons shall be parked longer than two (2) hours at any location within a residential zone of the city, as provided by ordinance, unless:
      1.   Such parking is for a temporary, nonrecurring purpose; or
      2.   Such location is a commercial or industrial enterprise which is subject to a lawful variance from the provisions of the zoning ordinance, or which represents a valid preexisting use under the ordinance.
   D.   The city council may, by resolution, authorize the chief of police to cause lines, markings or barricades to be placed upon public vehicular thoroughfares or parking lots or upon the curbs adjoining such thoroughfares or lots to designate prohibited and permitted parking spaces and to regulate ingress and egress to and from such thoroughfares and lots. No vehicle shall be parked in violation of such duly painted or placed lines, marking or barricades; nor shall any vehicle be parked within the moving traffic areas of a vehicular thoroughfare or parking lot, or at a distance greater than six inches (6") from the curb of any such thoroughfare. (Ord. 309 §3, 1988: Ord. 185 §4(B), 1977)