In order to carry out the provisions of the ordinance codified in this chapter, there is hereby created and established within the airport influence area, an airport impact zone and a limited development area zone which includes all of the land lying within the boundaries and zones defined on the respective airport, "airport influence area" drawings and exhibits. The zones are shown on the respective airport, "airport influence area" drawings and exhibits consisting of one sheet, prepared by the Blaine County airport board and dated June 2, 2003, which is attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter and made a part hereof. The drawings and exhibits referenced herein are available for review and inspection at the office of the city clerk, Chinook, Montana. The various land uses are hereby established and defined as follows:
"Urban Area" means an area consisting of typical dense residential and commercial development such as retail, banking, hotel/motel, restaurant, and similar uses.
"Suburban Residential Area" means an area consisting of suburban residential development typically sited on acreages in excess of one acre but not in excess of ten acres.
"Industrial Area" means an area consisting of heavy to light manufacturing activities, warehousing, distributing, machinery and vehicle dealerships, and similar uses.
"Agricultural Area" means areas devoted to primarily agricultural uses, scattered residential development with density not greater than one residence per twenty acres. Also, forested lands, wildlife and waterfowl reserves, and similar uses.
"Terrain Obstructions" means areas where natural terrain height penetrates the FAA FAR Part 77 Surfaces for the airport.
"Airport Impact Zone" means an area defined on the airport influence area drawing and consisting of the runway protection zones and the runway object free area. No development should occur in this area other than airport specific development whose needs are airport related. This area, according to Federal guidelines, should be under the airport's control to prevent incompatible land use development.
"Limited Development Area Zone" means an area defined on the airport influence area drawing. Land use in this limited area should be restricted to uses that are not noise sensitive; those that do not promote public assembly; those that do not have distracting lights, glare, smoke, provide electronic interference; those that are not bird attractors.
(Ord. 494 § 3, 2003).