A. Projection. Ground signs shall not project over public property or beyond the required building line setback for buildings in the zoning classification for the tract upon which the sign is erected.
B. Maintenance. Every ground sign and the immediate surrounding premises shall be maintained by the owner of such sign in a clean, sanitary and inoffensive condition and kept free and clear of all obnoxious substances, rubbish and weeds.
C. Area Limitation. The total area of one or more ground signs may not exceed five percent of the area of the plot of ground upon which such ground signs are located; however, the total area of all ground signs may not exceed six hundred seventy-two square feet of display area on any one plot of ground.
A back-to-back sign shall be considered two signs for the purpose of establishing the size allowed.
(Ord. 441 Art. VI § 17, 1992).