§ 35.13  Write-In Candidates
   (a)   A write-in vote cast in any election for any office of the city may not be counted unless the name written in appears on the list of write-in candidates as required in subsection (i) of this section.
   (b)   To be entitled to a place on the list of write-in candidates, a candidate must make a declaration of write-in candidacy.  A declaration of write-in candidacy must satisfy the requirements prescribed by § 35.15 for an application for a place on the ballot.  A declaration of write-in candidacy is public information immediately on its filing.
   (c)   A declaration of write-in candidacy must be filed with the City Secretary not later than 5:00 p.m. of the thirtieth (30th) day before the election for which the candidate is filing.  A declaration of write-in candidacy filed by mail is considered to be filed at the time of its receipt by the City Secretary.
   (d)   The City Secretary shall review the declaration and take appropriate action in the manner prescribed in subsection (g) of this section.
   (e)   A declaration of write-in candidacy may not be challenged for compliance with the applicable requirements after the fifteenth (15th) day before election day.
   (f)   A declaration of write-in candidacy shall be preserved in the same manner as the candidate's application for a place on the ballot.
   (g)   Except as provided in subsection (h) of this section, the City Secretary with whom a declaration of write-in candidacy is required to be filed shall certify in writing for placement on the list of write-in candidates the names of each candidate who filed with the authority a declaration that complies with § 35.14 and § 35.15.  Each name shall be certified in the form indicated on the candidate's declaration of write-in candidacy.  Not later than the twentieth (20th) day before election day, the City Secretary shall deliver the certification to the authority responsible for having the official ballot prepared in each county in which the office is sought by the candidates to be voted on.
   (h)   A write-in candidate may not be certified for placement on the list of write-in candidates if:
      (1)   any information on the candidate's declaration of write-in candidacy indicates that the candidate is ineligible for the office;
      (2)   the facts indicate that the candidate is ineligible or conclusively established by another public record; or
      (3)   the candidate is determined to be ineligible by a final judgment of the court.
   (i)   The authority responsible for having the official ballot prepared shall prepare a list containing the name of each write-in candidate certified to the authority.  Each name must appear in the form in which it is certified.  Copies of the list shall be distributed to the municipal officers in the election for use in counting write-in votes. Copies of the list shall be distributed to each presiding election judge with the other election supplies.  The copy of the list shall be posted in each polling place of each place where an instruction poster is required to be posted.  The authority responsible for having the official ballot prepared shall retain a copy of the list preserving for the period for preserving the precinct election records.
   (j)   An officially prescribed form for declaration for write-in candidacy must include the elements required by § 35.16.