(a) Drilling records and material setting data shall be maintained accurately and copies made available to the owner, as well as the City Engineer or other city departments.
(b) The Director of Public Works or his designee shall be furnished a copy of well material setting data, geological log, sealing information (pressure cementing and surface protection), disinfection information, bacteriological sample results, and a chemical analysis report of a representative sample of water from the well.
(c) The casing material used in the construction of wells shall conform to the American Waterworks Association Standards. The casing shall extend to a point eighteen (18) inches above the elevation of the finished floor of the pump room or natural ground surface and a minimum of one (1) inch above the sealing block or pump motor foundation block, when provided. The casing shall extend at least to the depth of the shallowest water formation to be developed and deeper, if necessary, in order to cut off all undesirable water bearing strata.
(d) The space between the casing and drill hole shall be sealed by using sufficient cement under pressure to provide for completely filling and sealing of the annular space between the casing and drill hole. The well casing shall be cemented in this matter from the top of the shallowest formation to be developed to the earth's surface.
(e) In all cases, a concrete sealing block extending at least three (3) feet from the well casing in all directions, with a minimum thickness of six (6) inches, and sloped to drain away at not less than one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot shall be provided around the well head.
(f) Well heads and pump bases shall be sealed by the use of gaskets, sealing compounds, and properly vented to prevent the possibility of contamination of the water well. A well casing vent shall be provided with the opening screened with 16-mesh or finer corrosion resistant screen, and faced downward and located and elevated so as to minimize the drawing of contaminants to the well.
(g) Safeguards shall be taken to prevent possible contamination of the water or damage by trespassers following the completion of the well and prior to installation of permanent pumping equipment.
(h) Upon completion, the well shall be disinfected in accordance with current American Waterworks Association Standards for well disinfection. After the water containing chlorine is completely flushed from the well, samples of water shall be collected daily and submitted for bacteriological analysis until a sample submitted shall be free of coliform organisms, prior to placing the well in service.
(i) A suitable sampling cock shall be provided on the discharge pipe of each well pump.
(j) If a well blow-off line is provided, it shall slope downward and terminate at a point which will not be subject to submergence by flood waters.
(k) The well site shall be fine graded so that the site is free from depressions, reverse grades, or areas too rough for proper ground maintenance so as to assure that surface water will drain away from the well. In all cases, arrangements shall be made to carry off the drainage from the well pump, leakage from packing glands, and flood drainage. Suitable drain pipes located at the outer edge of the concrete floor shall be provided to carry off this water and prevent its ponding or collecting around the well head. This wastewater shall be disposed of in such a manner so that it will not cause any nuisance from mosquito breeding or stagnation. Drains shall not be directly connected to storm or sanitary sewers.
(l) Upon completion of the water well, the following reports shall be required:
(1) The water well driller shall submit a copy of the drilling log, the size of the pump, and the pump setting.
(2) The casing contractor shall submit a report detailing the size, depth, material used, and wall thickness of the casing.
(3) The cementing contractor shall submit a report of the specification of the cementing.
(Ord. 6-00-1, passed 6-6-00)