§ 92.52  Public Displays
   Fireworks as provided in this chapter may be used, shot, ignited and displayed in open lots, or as a part of the conduct of a play, circus or similar entertainment by public authorities or by private persons or organizations that have been granted a permit for such display by the city Fire Marshal.  Each application for such a permit shall be referred to the city Fire Marshal who shall inspect said location.  If the Fire Marshal shall report that the location is unobjectionable relative to fire hazards and safety, he may issue said permit upon the receipt of a permit fee as provided for in § 7.00 of the Fee Schedule found in Appendix 1 of this Code.  Such permit may be granted for a period not to exceed six (6) days, and shall specify the name and address of the applicant or applicants, or the principal officers thereof if a corporation or association; the location where said fireworks are to be used; the exact time when such fireworks are to be used and the nature of the occasion; and a list of the fireworks to be used.  A copy of each permit shall be filed in the office of the City Secretary.