§ 51.63  Regulations Affecting Connections To System
   All connections to the city waterworks system within the corporate limits shall be made in the following manner:
      (1)   It shall be the policy of the city to supply water to its patrons through mains owned or controlled by the city and which shall be located in the streets, between the curb and sidewalk lines, or in alleys adjacent to property being served, or on easements controlled or owned by the city.
      (2)   The city may assess the estimated cost of breaking and replacing pavement necessary to make such connection, in addition to the regular service connection charge, such assessment to be paid with such service charge, and the difference between assessment and actual cost of such breaking and replacing shall be refunded to the patron when such work has been completed.
      (3)   In addition to the above charges, the city may assess the estimated cost of boring under or crossing over any street or highway in furnishing water services.
      (4)   All lines constructed and meters installed under the provisions of this section shall be the property of the city and the city shall have full control and jurisdiction over such lines and meters.