(A)   In the case of special circumstances or conditions where the strict application of the requirements of this chapter would deprive the property owner, the Building or Zoning Commissioner shall have the power to vary or adapt the requirements of this chapter. In granting a variance, the Commissioner may prescribe the appropriate conditions and safeguards to ensure conformity with the surrounding neighborhood.
   (B)   Variances shall be granted only when there is a pressing need and shall be limited in their scope to the minimum variance necessary to accomplish the purpose of the variance. The fact that another person or entity has received a variance shall not be a valid reason for the issuance of a new variance, and shall not be considered by the Building or Zoning Commissioner.
   (C)   Appeals from the grant or denial of a variance shall be in accordance with the procedures enumerated in § 157.06.
(Ord. 18-21, passed 10-16-18)