(A)   Purpose. The purpose of the Overlay Zoning District is as follows:
      (1)   To promote development that emphasizes existing neighborhood business district character;
      (2)   To promote redevelopment of the corridor in a coordinated manner;
      (3)   To provide for the long-term sustainability of the business district and character of the community.
   (B)   Designation of Overlay Zoning District. A portion of the Business B Overlay Zoning District shall be designated by the abbreviation “B-OZ” on the official zoning map. All property so classified is subject to the provisions of this chapter.
   (C)   Applicability of Overlay Zoning District. The B-OZ shall operate as an overlay zone to a portion of the underlying Business B District. The regulations governing development of the B-OZ shall apply in addition to the regulations governing the underlyng base district. In the event of an express conflict between the standards of the B-OZ and the Business B district, the standards governing the B-OZ shall control.
   (D)   Overlay Zoning District regulations.
      (1)   Front yard building setback. A new building shall have a maximum setback of three feet from the existing sidewalk.
      (2)   Parking lot standard. Any newly created parking lot adjacent to a sidewalk shall have a three to four feet high wrought iron fence to separate from pedestrian uses.
      (3)   Building materials. All building finishing materials for new construction and facade remodeling that modifies at least 50% of that facade are acceptable excluding plywood, plastics, unfinished concrete block, prefab metal, and vinyl siding on the first floor of the building.
      (4)   Building ingress/egress. Primary entrance to the building shall face the major public street. If a corner lot, the primary entrance shall face the major public street. A MAJOR PUBLIC STREET is defined as the street having the highest traffic count.
      (5)   Ground floor transparency. First floor facades facing a major public street shall have 50% transparency; those facing a minor public street shall have 25% transparency. A MAJOR PUBLIC STREET is defined as the street having the highest traffic count. This section shall apply to new construction and facade remodeling that modifies at least 50% of that facade.
      (6)   Off-street parking. Off-street parking requirements are not required, providing the building is within 1,200 feet of a public parking lot.
      (7)   Exterior building equipment and structures.
         (a)   Rooftop HVAC. All mechanical equipment on a building rooftop shall be screened from view of the public street and adjacent properties.
         (b)   Dumpsters. Dumpsters shall be screened by a six-foot tall opaque fence equipped with a lockable gate.
(Ord. 19-24, passed 9-17-19)