The following types of signs shall be permitted in "Business A" zones :
   (A)   Signs exempt from permits which are listed in § 155.05.
   (B)   Building signs.
      (1)   Any business or other permissible use shall be permitted 1-1/2 square feet of building sign surface area for each lineal foot of building frontage that fronts the principal dedicated street, or the facade that contains the main entrance to the building.
      (2)   Where a building contains multiple tenants, building signs may be calculated by individual unit as measured from interior wall to interior wall of the tenant space. Each tenant shall be permitted 1-1/2 square feet of building sign surface area for each foot of building frontage that fronts the principal dedicated street, or the facade that contains the main entrance to the building.
   (C)   Free standing signs.
      (1)   Pole signs are not permitted
      (2)   A ground or monument type sign, up to a maximum of 32 square feet of sign surface area, is permitted if the business has at least 100 feet of lot frontage. No such sign shall be placed nearer that 50 feet to an area designated as residential.
   (D)   Special signs. Awning and canopy signs and temporary signs may be permitted if they meet all requirements of § 155.18.
(Ord. 06-14, passed 10-3-06)