(A)   Every 12 months after the issuance of an excavation and fill permit, and on completion of operations, the holder of a permit for an excavation or a fill comprising of the movement of 500 cubic yards (or more) of material must file with the Building Commissioner a certificate, prepared by a registered surveyor, registered architect, or professional engineer, stating the quantities of materials placed or removed since the issuance of the permit and stating that the work has been conducted in compliance with §§ 154.05 through 154.10 of the Cheviot Code of Ordinances and in compliance with all conditions of the permit.
   (B)   The Building Commissioner may revoke an excavation and fill permit if the holder of the permit has failed to comply with §§ 154.05 through 154.10 or if the Commissioner determines that the operations have become offensive or objectionable due to erosion, siltation, dust, or increased stormwater runoff.
   (C)   Work must be completed within one year from the date of permit issuance. The Building Commissioner may extend the time for completion of the work up to six months if the Commissioner determines, after conducting an administrative hearing, that the operations have been conducted in compliance with the permit and have not been offensive or objectionable due to erosion, siltation, or dust. The Building Commissioner has the duty to notify the owner or occupant of the subject property, and any owner or occupant of property abutting the subject property, and any community or neighborhood association or organization whose boundaries include or abut the subject property. Notice must be sent by ordinary U.S. mail at least ten days in advance of the date set for the administrative hearing. No more than two extensions shall be granted.
(Ord. 1471, passed 2-6-90; Am. Ord. 02-34, passed 12-3-02)