(A)   Beginning July 1, 1993, and thereafter, within 30 days after a new tenant occupies rental property of any kind within the city, all property owners of rental property who rent to tenants of apartment, rooms, and the like, shall file with the Tax Commissioner a report showing the names, addresses, telephone numbers, if available, social security number, place of employment of each such tenant who occupies an apartment, a room in a rooms, etc, within the corporate limits.
   (B)   Beginning July 1, 1993, and thereafter, within 30 days after a tenant vacates an apartment, room or other rental property located within the city, the property owner of such vacated rental property shall file with the Tax Commissioner a report showing the date of vacating from the rental property and the identifying each tenant, and the forwarding address of each vacating tenant.
   (C)   Whoever violates any provision of this section is subject to a penalty of $25 for each violation.
(Ord. 1585, passed 6-1-93)