A.   Prohibited Vehicles:
      1.   Definition: "Prohibited vehicle" means any truck or tractor trailer greater than one ton with a load or partial load.
      2.   Restriction On Travel:
         a.   No prohibited vehicle shall be allowed on any paved streets in the town, unless actively loading or unloading.
         b.   This restriction shall not apply to prohibited vehicles while making deliveries of personal property to, or picking up personal property from, businesses or residences located in the town.
   B.   Width And Length Of Loads: Trucks or other vehicles having loads extending more than four feet (4') to the rear of said vehicle or having loads or cross arms wider than eight feet (8') are required to hang a red flag or other signs of warning at the extreme width of load as well as rear, and at night provide warning lights so that traffic can easily tell the extreme limit of space required for vehicles. (2014 Code)