(A)   Whenever in this chapter a greenbelt or planting is required, it shall be planted within six months from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy and shall thereafter be reasonably maintained with permanent plant materials to provide a screen to abutting properties. Suitable materials equal in characteristics to the plant materials listed with the spacing as required shall be provided.
   (B)   Plant material spacing.
      (1)   Plant materials shall not be placed closer than four feet from the fence line or property line.
      (2)   Where plant materials are placed in two or more rows planting shall be staggered in rows.
      (3)   Evergreen trees shall be planted not more than 30 feet on centers.
      (4)   Narrow evergreens shall be planted not more than six feet on centers.
      (5)   Deciduous trees shall be planted not more than 30 feet on centers.
      (6)   Tree-like shrubs shall be planted not more than ten feet on centers.
      (7)   Large deciduous shrubs shall be planted not more than four feet on centers.
   (C)   Suggested plant materials.
Plant Materials
Minimum Size
Five feet in height
Narrow Evergreens
   Column Hinoki Cypress
   Blue Columnar Chinese Juniper
   Pyramidal Red-Cedar
   Swiss Stone Pine
   Pyramidal White Pine
   Irish Yew
   Douglas Arbor-Vitae
Three feet in height
Tree Like Shrubs
   Flowering Crab
   Russian Olive
   Rose of Sharon
Four feet in height
Large Deciduous Shrubs
Six feet in height
Large Deciduous Trees
   Hard Maples
   Plane tree (Sycamore)
   Honey locust
   Hop Hornbeam
Eight feet in height
   (D)   Trees not permitted.
      (1)   Box Elder.
      (2)   Soft Maple (Red-Silver)
      (3)   Elm
      (4)   Poplar
      (5)   Willow
      (6)   Horse Chestnut (nut bearing)
      (7)   Tree of Heaven
      (8)   Catalpa.
(`73 Code, 15.322, § 5.119)  (Ord. eff. 8-1-67; Am. Ord. passed 1973)