No person shall hereafter subdivide any land without:
   (A)   Submitting to the City Planning Commission a preliminary map with supplementary information before commencing the necessary surveys;
   (B)   Submitting to the City Clerk five final plats thereof which final plats shall thereafter be approved by the City Planning Commission, the City Council, the County Plat Board, and the Auditor General of the State of Michigan;
   (C)   Paying to the City Clerk the sum of $4 plus $10 for each acre of land or fraction thereof included within the plat boundaries which sum shall include all expenses required for inspection of lands, meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council and fees required by Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 through 560.293, as amended, provided that the amount paid the City Clerk shall in no case exceed $40 for each plat.
   (D)   Complying with all applicable provisions of Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 through 560.293, as amended.
(`73 Code, 17.012, § 5.232)