Refuse collected shall include the following items:
   (A)   Waste material resulting from the usual routine of housekeeping, except garbage;
   (B)   Such articles as tin cans, tinware, ashes, porcelain ware, bottles, glassware, earthenware, small automobile parts and other metallic substances ordinarily discarded by householders;
   (C)   Newspapers, if tied in bundles, cardboard boxes, if collapsed and tied, rags, leather and rubber goods, waste paper, if bundled, excelsior and other articles which are not ordinarily burned in home incinerators;
   (D)   Rubbish shall not include discarded materials of building construction, alterations and repair, nor trade or manufacturing wastes. No crates shall be included unless disassembled and tied properly. Cuttings from shrubbery, leaves, grass, bedding straw and such articles as would consume an unreasonable amount of space in the trucks are not included.
(`73 Code, 35.005, § 2.5)  Penalty, see § 10.99