(A) The City Planning Commission shall be composed of seven members, who shall represent insofar as possible different professions or occupations. The members shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Council. The term of each member shall be three years, except that in the case of the first Commission appointed hereunder, three of the members shall be appointed for a term of one year, three for a term of two years, and three for a term of three years. All such appointments shall date from May 1, 1954. Each member shall hold office until his successor has been appointed. Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Mayor, subject to approval by the Council. The City Manager shall be a member ex-officio of the Commission and shall attend all of its meetings and may participate in all of its discussions, but he shall not have any power to vote.
(B) The Mayor, upon the recommendation of the City Manager, may designate not more than two additional city employees to serve ex-officio on the Commission and to assist in its work.
(C) All members of the City Planning Commission, including city employees serving ex-officio, shall serve as such without compensation.
(`73 Code, 14.002, § 5.202)
(D) Members of the Commission may, after public hearing, be removed by the Mayor for inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office; provided that such removal be approved by the Council.
(`73 Code, 14.003, § 5.203)
(Am. Ord. eff. 4-4-08)
The Commission shall annually elect its chairman from amongst the appointed members and create and fill such other of its offices as it may determine. The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting in each month. It shall adopt rules for transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which record shall be a public record and open to inspection in the office of the City Clerk.
(`73 Code, 14.004, § 5.204)
(A) The Commission shall have such powers concerning the preparation and adoption of a master plan or any part thereof, the making of surveys as a basis for such plan, the approval of public improvements, the carrying out of educational and publicity programs, the approval of plats, and such other rights, powers, duties and responsibilities as are expressly provided in Public Act 285 of 1931, being M.C.L.A. §§ 125.31 - 125.45, as amended.
(`73 Code, 14.006, § 5.206)
(B) The City Planning Commission shall make reports and recommendations to the Council; provided, however, that no such recommendation shall be binding upon the Council.
(`73 Code, 14.008, § 5.208)
(A) The Commission may contract with city planners, engineers, architects and other consultants for such specialized services as it may require. In addition, the services of regular city employees may be obtained as found necessary for its work. The Commission shall not expend any funds or enter into any contracts or agreements for expenditures in excess of amounts appropriated for the purpose by the Council, which may appropriate such funds for city planning as it may deem advisable.
(`73 Code, 14.005, § 5.205)
(B) The Commission may receive gifts for purposes of carrying out its objectives and may expend any funds in the form of a gift in such manner as it may deem proper. (`73 Code, 14.007, § 5.207)