(A)   All administrative officers are responsible to the City Manager for the effective administration of their respective departments and offices, and all activities assigned to them. The City Manager shall employ or appoint all officers and employees except as otherwise provided by the City Charter or this code. The City Manager may set aside any action taken by any administrative officer and may supersede him in the functions of his office but, as to officers appointed by the City Council, such action shall be subject to approval by the City Council. 
(`73 Code, 12.152, § 1.52)
   (B)   All departments of the city shall comply with the following:
      (1)   All department heads shall keep informed as to the latest practices in their particular field and shall inaugurate, with the approval of the City Manager in the case of departments responsible to him or in the case of other departments, with the approval of the office or body to whom the department head is responsible, such new practices as appear to be of benefit to the service and to the public;
      (2)   Reports of the activities of each department shall be made to the Manager as he shall direct;
      (3)   Each department head shall be held responsible for the preservation of all public records under his jurisdiction and shall provide a system of filing and indexing the same. No public records, reports, correspondence or other data relative to the business of any department shall be destroyed or removed permanently from the files without the knowledge and approval of the City Council.
(`73 Code, 12.154, § 1.54)