A.   Grounds: The Local Liquor Control Commissioner may suspend or revoke any license issued under this chapter for any one or more of the following reasons:
      1.   Violation of the laws of the United States government, the laws of the State of Illinois or any of the ordinances of the Village. (1990 Code § 11.316)
      2.   Knowingly permitting any violation of this Code upon the premises for which the license is issued. (1990 Code § 11.316; amd. 2019 Code)
      3.   Wilfully making any false statements as to a material fact in the application for a license.
      4.   Failure of the licensee, for any cause whatsoever, to operate and maintain a place of business at the location and on the premises pursuant to the purpose for which the license was issued under this chapter. (1990 Code § 11.316)
      5.   Failure to keep any license issued hereunder continuously in effect and use in an operative business during the period for which it is issued, and when said business is abandoned, closed or for any reason becomes inoperative for a period of thirty (30) days or more, the Local Liquor Control Commissioner, in his discretion, may revoke said license. (1990 Code § 11.316; amd. 2019 Code)
      6.   Any provision of the Illinois Video Gaming Act, 230 Illinois Compiled Statutes 40/1 et seq., any of the rules, regulations, opinions and administrative decisions of the Illinois Department of Revenue and/or the Illinois Gaming Board concerning or related to the Illinois Video Gaming Act, or any provisions of subsection 5-3C-1A of this Code. (Ord. 12-11, 8-6-2012)
   B.   Notice And Hearing: Notice of suspension or revocation shall be given to the licensee after due consideration by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner, and said suspension or revocation shall be effective unless the licensee demands in writing a request for a hearing within three (3) days after receiving notice. (1990 Code § 11.316.1)