Application for a license shall be made as required by this chapter to the Village Clerk, accompanied by the proper fee, and shall be delivered by the Village Clerk to the Local Liquor Control Commissioner who shall approve or reject the same as herein provided. The application shall provide the following:
   A.   Name, age and address of an individual applicant.
   B.   The name of the persons entitled to participate in the profits, if it is a partnership application.
   C.   The objects, names and addresses of the officers and directors, if a corporation application, and whether or not one person owns a controlling interest in such corporation, and if so, his name and address.
   D.   The citizenship, place of birth and place of naturalization, if foreign born, of an individual applicant.
   E.   The location and a description of the type or nature of the premises where such liquor will be sold, served or consumed.
   F.   Whether or not any previous similar license has been applied for, the place of application and the disposition of such application, and if revoked, the reason therefor.
   G.   Whether or not the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, been an inmate or keeper of a house of ill fame, or any offense opposed to decency and morality.
   H.   A manager or agent is required to have the same qualifications as the person or firm to whom the license is issued. The names of all managers shall be listed on the application.
   I.   All applications shall be verified by the applicant or, if a corporation, an authorized officer thereof.
   J.   The application shall be accompanied by license fee herein provided.
   K.   The proposed location is not within one hundred feet (100') of any place of worship, school, hospital, home for the aged, or indigent persons, or veterans, their spouses or children, or any medical or naval station. Said application shall also state the nature of the establishment wherein liquor will be served and the name of the owner of said premises.
   L.   Where the applicant is not the owner of the premises, the application shall be accompanied by a valid lease between the owner and the applicant for a minimum period of one year to coincide with the period for which the application is made.
   M.   A signed statement stating the licensee will not violate any of the laws of the Village of Chebanse, State of Illinois, or United States of America in the conduct of the business.
   N.   A signed statement stating the licensee shall not lease from, or directly or indirectly receive and accept from, any manufacturer, distiller, brewer, bottler, wholesaler, jobber or distributor, or from any agent or representative thereof, gratuitously, any money or thing of value nor shall said licensee borrow money from or permit said person(s) to obtain directly or indirectly any interest in the ownership, conduct or operation of the applicant's retail liquor business. (1990 Code § 11.306; amd. 2019 Code)