A.   No license shall be issued to any person ineligible under 235 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/6-2. (1990 Code § 11.306)
   B.   Licenses shall not be issued to anyone applying as an individual unless the following requirements are met:
      1.   The applicant must be of good moral character and be a citizen of the United States.
      2.   The applicant is the owner of the premises for which the license is sought or has a lease for the property effective for the entire period for which the license is issued.
   C.   Licenses shall not be issued to partnerships making application unless the following requirements are met:
      1.   All members of the partnership are of good moral character and are citizens of the United States.
      2.   The partnership or, alternatively, one member of the partnership holds title to the premises for which the license is sought or has a lease for the property effective for the entire period for which the license is issued.
   D.   Licenses shall not be issued to corporations making application unless the following requirements are met:
      1.   All officers of the corporation are of good moral character and are citizens of the United States.
      2.   The corporation or, alternatively, one officer of the corporation holds title to the premises for which the license is sought or has a lease for the property effective for the entire period for which the license is issued. (Ord. 13-02, 4-15-2013; amd. 2019 Code; Ord. 21-07, 8-23-2021)