(A)   Registration time period.
      (1)   All owners, operators or maintainers of automobile graveyards or other junk yards existing at the effective date of this chapter shall register same with the county within a period of 30 days from the effective date of this chapter.
      (2)   All existing automobile graveyards or junk yards that have not been registered within 30 days shall be in violation of the registration provisions of this chapter.
      (3)   Unless the junk yards can be documented to the satisfaction of the Ordinance Administrator as existing prior to the effective date of this chapter, they shall be considered new junk yards.
      (4)   If so documented, the junk yards may be considered existing junk yards, be required to register and required to comply to a revised compliance schedule listed in division (G) below.
   (B)   Registration application.
      (1)   Registration shall be accomplished by completing a registration application and paying a fee as established by the Board of County Commissioners. The Ordinance Administrator shall provide the necessary forms for the registration application.
      (2)   The registration application shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: land owner's and junk yard operator's name, address and phone numbers for business and home; state and/or local business registration number or licenses; the location of the property by township, state road number and property identification number; the total acreage of the property and approximate acreage involved in the junk yard operation. One copy of the completed signed registration application shall be submitted to the Ordinance Administrator.
   (C)   Time period for permit of registered junk yards. All existing junk yards at the effective date of this chapter, registered in accordance with division (B) above, shall be granted a period of 90 days from the effective date of registration to receive a permit. Thereafter, same shall be in violation of the permitting provisions of this chapter.
   (D)   Permit required for junk yards. No person, firm or business entity shall establish, operate or maintain a junk yard without obtaining a permit except existing junk yards specified in division (C) above. Any expansion of a junk yard, whether pre-existing or newly permitted, shall require a permit. The permit shall only be issued upon the persons, firm or business entity seeking the permit submitting a statement that the existing or proposed junk yard does not violate any of the provisions of this chapter. The permit shall be valid unless revoked for nonconformance with this chapter.
   (E)   Permit application.
      (1)   Application for the permit shall be made to the Administrator of the chapter, on forms as the Administrator of the chapter shall prescribe along with a non-refundable permit fee as established by the Board of County Commissioners.
      (2)   The permit application shall include, but not be limited to, the information required for the registration application and a junk yard plan.
      (3)   The plan shall indicate setbacks, location of public rights-of-way, all proposed structures, all structures within 500 feet of junk yard, driveways, entrances, fencing, screening, types of fencing, types of screening, dimensions of junk yard, gross acreage, preparer of plans name(s) and address(es) and phone numbers.
      (4)   Plans shall be at a scale no larger than one inch equals 400 feet. Three copies shall be submitted.
      (5)   Any expansion of a junk yard, whether pre-existing or newly permitted, shall require a permit. Procedures and standards for an expansion permit shall be those required for a new establishment.
   (F)   Permitting procedure. The completed permit application and junk yard plan shall be submitted to the Ordinance Administrator. The Administrator shall have the authority to either approve or deny the permit. A denied permit may be resubmitted within 14 days from the date of denial without incurring an additional permit fee.
   (G)   Permitting compliance.
      (1)   Existing junk yards shall conform to the approved permit and standards of this chapter in accordance with the graduated compliance schedule listed as follows, the times listed are from the date of plan approval:
         (a)   Meet § 111.07(B)(6) within one month;
         (b)   Meet § 111.07(B)(7) within two months;
         (c)   Meet § 111.07(B)(5) within three months;
         (d)   Meet § 111.07(B)(8) within 36 months;
         (e)   Meet § 111.07(B)(9) within 36 months; and
         (f)   Meet § 111.07(B)(4) within 36 months.
      (2)   Junk yards discovered after the registration time period of division (A) above, but documented to the satisfaction of the Ordinance Administrator as being in existence prior to this chapter, shall conform to applicable portions of this chapter. The time period of compliance shall run from the date of discovery. Divisions (G)(1)(a) through (c) above shall have the time period listed but divisions (G)(1)(d), (e) and (f) shall have a time period of 12 months.
      (3)   New junk yards shall conform to the approved permit and standards of this chapter prior to the establishment of the use as a junk yard on the property. Failure to meet the requirements of the approved permit and standards of this chapter shall be a violation of the compliance provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 3-9-1992; Ord. passed 3-8-1993) Penalty, see § 111.99