(A) Officers. During the first meeting in each calendar year, the Sustainability Advisory Committee shall elect a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary.
(B) Meetings. The Sustainability Advisory Committee shall meet at least bi-monthly. During its first meeting in each calendar year, it shall approve a schedule of regular meetings.
(C) Bylaws. The Sustainability Advisory Committee may adopt such bylaws as it feels are necessary for its organization and operation; provided, no provisions of the bylaws shall conflict with any provision of the city’s Charter or Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 2014-02, passed 2-24-2014)
(A) The Sustainability Advisory Committee shall present to Council each 6 months a written report summarizing its activities.
(B) Within 12 months after its first meeting, the Sustainability Advisory Committee shall present to City Council a report summarizing its recommendations regarding specific programs or initiatives that it believes are most practical in advancing the purposes for which the Committee was formed. In evaluating possible programs or initiatives, the Committee may examine the Michigan Green Communities Challenge or similar programs in use by other organization or communities.
(C) Within 60 days following its receipt of the report referenced above, the City Council shall, by resolution, accept the recommendations of the committee with or without modification, identity specific programs or initiatives that it wishes the Committee to pursue and identify such additional reports as it desires the Committee to prepare.
(Ord. 2014-02, passed 2-24-2014)
§§ 2-142 -- 2-150 RESERVED.