In a Community Business District, no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected except for 1 or more of the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this chapter.
(1) All uses permitted and all conditional uses permitted in the B-1 Districts except gasoline service stations, subject to the regulations applicable in this article.
(2) All retail business, service establishments or processing uses as follows:
(a) Any retail business whose principal activity is the sale of merchandise in an enclosed building;
(b) Any service establishment of an office, showroom or workshop nature of an electrician, decorator, dressmaker, tailor, baker, painter, upholsterer or an establishment doing radio or home appliance repair, photographic reproduction, and similar service establishments that require a retail adjunct;
(c) Private clubs, fraternal organizations, and lodge halls;
(d) Restaurants or other places serving food or beverage, except those having the character of a drive-in;
(e) Theaters, assembly halls, concert halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings;
(f) Business schools and colleges or private schools operated for profit;
(g) Other uses similar to the above uses;
(h) Accessory structures and uses customarily incident to the permitted uses listed in this section.
(1993 Code, § 82-247) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
Required conditions in a Community Business District are as follows.
(1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced.
(2) All business, servicing or processing, except for off-street parking, loading and those open air uses indicated as being subject to special conditions in § 82-249 shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.
(1993 Code, § 82-248) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
The following uses may be permitted in a Community Business District upon the granting of a permit for such use by the Planning Commission subject to the conditions imposed in this section for each use and subject further to such other reasonable conditions which in the opinion of the Planning Commission are necessary to provide adequate protection to the neighborhood and to abutting properties and subject further to a public hearing in accord with § 82-34(C).
(1) Open air business uses when developed in planned relationship with the B-2 District as follows.
(a) Retail sales of plant material not grown on the site, and sales of lawn furniture, playground equipment and garden supplies, provided further that such uses shall be located at the exterior end of the building mass located in a B-2 District.
(b) Recreational space providing children's amusement park and other similar recreation when part of a planned development, provided further that such use be located at the exterior end of the building mass located in a B-2 District, but not at the intersection of 2 major thoroughfares. Such recreation space shall be fenced on all sides with a 4 foot chainlink type fence.
(2) Bowling alley, billiard hall, indoor archery range, indoor tennis courts, indoor skating rinks or similar forms of indoor commercial recreation when located at least 100 feet from any front, rear, or side yard of any residential lot in an adjacent residential district.
(1993 Code, § 82-249) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
See §§ 82-426 et seq., schedule of regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements.
(1993 Code, § 82-250) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
§§ 82-251 -- 82-255 RESERVED.
§ 82-256 RESERVED.
(1993 Code, § 82-256)
Editor's note:
Ord. of May 14, 2001 renumbered §§ 82-256 and 82-257 as §§ 82-408 and 82-409 respectively. At the discretion of the editor, said sections have been renamed to better fit the format of the Code.