The following uses may be permitted in an MH Mobile Home Residential District upon the granting of a permit for such use by the Planning Commission, subject to the conditions imposed in this section for each use and subject further to such other conditions which in the opinion of the Planning Commission are necessary to provide adequate protection to the neighborhood and to abutting properties and subject further to a public hearing in accord with § 82-34(C).
(1) Churches and other facilities incidental thereto subject to the following:
(a) The site shall be adjacent to a city major thoroughfare and all ingress and egress shall be limited to and directly upon the thoroughfare;
(b) Buildings exceeding 25 feet in height shall be permitted, providing the front, side and rear yard setbacks are increased 1 foot for each foot the building exceeds 25 feet;
(c) A continuous, uninterrupted obscuring screening of suitable material of at least 4 feet in height but not more than 6 feet in height shall be provided along sides of the off-street parking area when adjacent properties are zoned residential;
(d) A minimum of 3 acres shall be provided;
(e) The front setback area shall remain as open space unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward except for landscaping, plant materials or vehicle access drives.
(2) Public utility buildings and uses, but not including service and storage yards, when operating requirements necessitate locating within the district to serve the immediate vicinity.
(3) Nursery schools, state-licensed group day care homes and day care centers (not including dormitories); provided that for each child so cared for, there shall be provided and maintained a minimum of 150 square feet of outdoor play area. Such play space shall have a total minimum area of not less than 5,000 square feet and shall be screened from any adjoining lot in any residential district.
(4) Temporary buildings for use incidental to construction work for a period not to exceed 1 year.
(5) Golf courses, public or private. If a golf course is a course open to persons other than those who reside in the mobile home park, it cannot be used as part of the overall permitted density.
(1993 Code, § 82-188) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
(A) The requirements for mobile home parks in the MH Mobile Home Residential District are:
(1) The park shall be a minimum of 10 acres in area;
(2) All buildings within the park shall be less than 2 stories or 25 feet;
(3) Mobile home parks shall be landscaped as follows:
(a) If the mobile home park abuts an existing residential development, the park shall be required to provide screening along the park boundary abutting the residential development;
(b) If the park abuts a nonresidential development, the park need not provide screening;
(c) In all cases, however, a park shall provide screening along the park boundary abutting a public right-of-way.
The landscaping shall consist of evergreen trees or shrubs, a minimum of 3 feet in height, which are spaced to provide a continuous screen at maturity. Alternative screening devices may be utilized if they conceal the mobile home park as effectively as the required landscaping described above.
(4) Open space requirements are as follows:
(a) A mobile home park that contains 50 or more mobile home sites shall have at least 1 easily accessible open space area containing not less than 25,000 square feet;
(b) The total of the land dedicated for open space shall not be less than 2% of the park's gross acreage that is approved for construction pursuant to a permit to construct, but not less than 25,000 square feet.
(B) Site size requirements are as follows.
(1) The mobile park shall be developed with sites averaging 5,500 square feet per mobile home unit. This 5,500 square feet for any 1 site may be reduced by 20%, provided that the individual site shall be equal to at least 4,400 square feet. For each square foot of land gained through the reduction of a site below 5,500 square feet, at least an equal amount of land shall be dedicated as open space, but in no case shall the open space and distance requirements be less than that required under R 125.1946, Rule 946 and R 125.1941 and R 125.1944, Rules 941 and 944 of the Michigan Administrative Code.
(2) Mobile homes shall be placed at least 10 feet from the pavement of the internal road serving the mobile home unit.
(3) Mobile homes shall be at least 20 feet from the front, side or rear of the nearest mobile home. In those instances when the mobile home is adjacent to a structure which is not used for living purposes such distance shall be not less than 10 feet.
(C) The following provisions relate to accessory buildings and uses.
(1) The provisions of § 82-454 relating to accessory building location and spacing shall not apply to mobile home parks. Accessory buildings in mobile home parks shall be subject to Mobile Home Rule 941.
(2) The provision of § 82-454(9) shall not apply to mobile home parks. The following shall apply.
(a) Storage areas. No personal property shall be stored outside or under any mobile home. Storage sheds may be used to store property but need not be supplied by the owner of the mobile home development.
(b) Storage/parking. If boats, boat trailers and utility trailers are permitted to be parked within the mobile home park, adequate parking spaces for such vehicles in a central or collective parking area shall be provided. This area shall be in addition to the automobile parking requirements of this chapter and shall be adequately locked, fenced and permanently buffered.
(D) The requirements for mobile home subdivisions, in addition to the requirements contained in the Michigan Subdivision Control Act of 1967 and Chapter 62 of this Code, relating to subdivisions, are:
(1) Minimum lot size: single area, 5,000 sq. ft.; single width, 45 feet; double-wide area, 7,200 square feet; double-wide width, 60 feet;
(2) Maximum building height: 25 feet;
(3) Minimum yard setback: front, 25 feet; side, 10 feet; rear, 25 feet;
(4) Maximum lot coverage by all buildings: 30%;
(5) In a mobile home subdivision, a corner lot which abuts upon a street on the same side of which other residential lots front in the same block, any building shall have a minimum side setback equal to the front setback of the district in which it is located.
(1993 Code, § 82-189) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
§§ 82-190 -- 82-205 RESERVED.
The OS-1 Office-Service Districts are designed to accommodate uses such as offices, banks and personal services which can serve as transitional areas between residential and commercial districts and to provide a transition between major thoroughfares and residential districts.
(1993 Code, § 82-206) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
In an Office-Service District, no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected except for 1 or more of the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this chapter.
(1) Office buildings for any of the following occupations: executive, administrative, professional, accounting, writing, clerical, stenographic, drafting and sales subject to the limitations contained in § 82-209, relating to required conditions.
(2) Medical office, including clinics.
(3) Facilities for human care such as hospitals, sanitariums, rest and convalescent homes.
(4) Banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations, and similar uses; drive-in facilities as an accessory use only.
(5) Personal service establishments, including barber shops, beauty shops and health salons.
(6) Off-street parking lots.
(7) Churches.
(8) Business schools or private schools operated for profit.
(9) Day care centers and nursery schools.
(10) Municipal buildings.
(11) Other uses similar to the uses listed in this section.
(12) Accessory structures and uses customarily incident to the permitted uses listed in this section.
(1993 Code, § 82-207) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
The following uses may be permitted in an OS-1 Office-Service District upon the granting of a permit for such use by the Planning Commission subject to the conditions imposed in this section for each use and subject further to such other conditions which in the opinion of the Planning Commission are necessary to provide adequate protection to the neighborhood and to abutting properties and subject further to a public hearing in accord with § 82-34(C).
(1) Funeral homes. The site plan shall provide for adequate off-street assembly area for vehicles to be used in funeral processions, provided further that such assembly area shall be provided in addition to any required off-street parking area. A caretaker's residence may be provided within the building of mortuary establishments.
(2) Public utility and service buildings. Public utility and service buildings and uses, including telephone exchange buildings (without storage yards) when operating requirements necessitate the locating of said building within the district in order to serve the immediate vicinity.
(3) Bed and breakfast dwellings. Bed and breakfast dwellings subject to the following conditions.
(a) Such dwelling units shall conform to all applicable city codes and ordinances.
(b) Such dwellings shall be located on state truckline routes.
(c) Such dwellings shall be limited to 1 per city block.
(d) Not more than 49% of the total floor space of the dwelling unit may be used for leasable sleeping rooms.
(e) The leasable sleeping rooms shall have a minimum size of 100 square feet for each 2 occupants with an additional 30 square feet for each additional occupant, not to exceed a maximum of 4 occupants per room.
(f) Each leasable sleeping room must have a separate operating smoke detector alarm.
(g) Lavatory and bathing facilities must be available to all persons using any leasable sleeping room.
(h) There will be no separate cooking facilities available to persons using any leasable sleeping room.
(i) There will be at least 2 exits from each level of the dwelling units.
(j) The maximum length of stay for any person using any leasable sleeping room is 14 consecutive days.
(k) Every operator of such dwelling unit must keep a list of the names and addresses of all persons staying at the dwelling unit. The guest register must be available for inspection by city officials at any time.
(l) The operations of the dwelling unit will not be permitted to endanger, offend or otherwise interfere with the safety or rights of others so as to constitute a public nuisance.
(1993 Code, § 82-208) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
Required conditions in the OS-1 Office-Service District are as follows.
(1) No interior display shall be visible from the exterior of the building.
(2) The outdoor storage of goods or material shall be prohibited.
(3) Warehousing or indoor storage of goods or material, beyond that normally incident to the above permitted uses, shall be prohibited.
(1993 Code, § 82-209) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)