For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACT. The State Housing Development Authority Act, being Public Act 346 of 1966 of the State of Michigan, being M.C.L.A. §§ 125.1401 et seq., as amended.
   ANNUAL SHELTER RENT. The total collections during an agreed annual period from all occupants of a housing development representing rent or occupancy charges, exclusive of charges for gas, electricity, heat or other utilities furnished to the occupants.
   AUTHORITY. The Michigan State Housing Development Authority.
   ELDERLY PERSONS. A family where the head of household is 62 years of age or older or a single person who is 62 years of age or older. Also includes persons of any age who are handicapped or disabled.
   HOUSING DEVELOPMENT. A development which contains a significant element of housing for persons of low to moderate income and such elements of other housing, commercial, recreational, industrial, communal and educational facilities as the Authority determines improves the quality of the development as it relates to housing for persons of low to moderate income.
   MORTGAGE LOAN. A loan to be made by the Authority to the sponsor for the construction and/or permanent financing of the housing development.
   SPONSOR. Person(s) or entities which have applied to the Authority for a mortgage loan to finance a housing development.
   UTILITIES. Fuel, water, sanitary sewer service and/or electrical service, which are paid by the housing development.
(1993 Code, § 64-3) (Ord. passed 8-12-2002(2); Ord. 2017-01, passed 2-27-2017; Ord. 2020-09, passed 12-14-2020)