§ 62-58 BLOCKS.
   Blocks within subdivisions shall conform to the following standards.
      (1)   Sizes.
         (a)   Blocks shall not exceed 1,400 feet in length, except where, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, conditions may justify a greater distance.
         (b)   Widths of blocks shall be determined by the condition of the layout and shall be suited to the intended layout.
      (2)   Public walkways.
         (a)   Location of public walkways or crosswalks may be required by the Planning Commission to obtain satisfactory pedestrian access to public or private facilities or where blocks exceed 900 feet in length.
         (b)   Public walkways shall be in the nature of an easement for this purpose.
      (3)   Easements.
         (a)   Location of utility line easements shall be provided along the rear or side lot lines as necessary for utility lines. Easements shall give access to every lot, park or public grounds. Such easements shall be a total of not less than 12 feet wide, 6 feet from each parcel.
         (b)   Recommendations on the proposed layout of telephone and electric company easements should be sought from all of the utility companies serving the area. It shall be the responsibility of the proprietor to submit copies of the preliminary plat to all appropriate public utility agencies.
         (c)   Easements 3 feet in width shall be provided where needed along side lot lines so as to provide for streetlight dropouts. Prior to the approval of the final plat for a proposed subdivision, a statement shall be obtained from the appropriate public utility indicating that easements have been provided along specific lots. A notation shall be made on the final plat indicating:
   "The side lot lines between lots (indicating lot numbers) are subject to streetlight dropout rights granted to the (name of utility company)."
(1993 Code, § 62-58)