(A)   A waste hauler granted a license by Eaton County and registered by the city to pick up residential waste shall develop, implement, maintain and provide a comprehensive weekly curbside recycling program.
   (B)   All waste haulers who pick up residential waste shall pick up recyclable materials from each residence and, at the hauler's option, haulers shall either pick up recyclable material placed in clear or translucent plastic bags or furnish to each residence separate recycling receptacles, clearly marked as containers for recyclable products.
   (C)   Recyclable items may be segregated from all other solid waste material at residential units. Recyclable items shall be placed in household recycling receptacles or bags and placed out for collection only on the days designated for collection of recyclable items.
   (D)   The collection point shall be either at the curb or if no curb at the edge of the city right-of-way directly in front of the residential property or at a place authorized by the Director of Public Works.
   (E)   A tag system shall be implemented to inform customers when inappropriate items are set out for recycling. All such items shall be tagged with a brief explanation of why the item was not picked up by the waste hauler.
(1993 Code, § 50-38) (Ord. passed 10-28-1991; Ord. passed 1-24-1994; Ord. passed 6-26-1995)