(A)   Refuse storage. It shall be the duty of owners, proprietors or persons in charge of every dwelling or other building in the city to place or cause to be placed all waste accumulating on the premises in waste receptacles or waste dumpsters provided by such owner or other person or waste hauler.
   (B)   Waste receptacles and waste dumpsters.
      (1)   Waste receptacles or waste dumpsters shall be kept and maintained at all residences, apartments, hotels, business places and other places where waste may be accumulated. Waste shall be placed and stored in the receptacle or dumpster in order to be collected.
      (2)   All waste receptacles or waste dumpsters shall be covered with a watertight cover at all times. The waste receptacle or dumpster shall be kept in a place easily accessible, but never upon any street, city parking lot, alley or sidewalk. Such waste receptacle or waste dumpster shall be thoroughly cleaned by the owner after it has been emptied.
      (3)   Each apartment complex, modular house park, mobile home park or any multifamily dwelling containing 5 units or more shall have at least 1 waste dumpster for every 10 residential units.
   (C)   Arranging for collection.
      (1)   Every occupant of property within the city may arrange for the collection and disposal of waste by transporting the waste to an authorized transfer station or an approved disposal site, but only in accordance with the rules and regulations pertaining thereto.
      (2)   In all other situations, if the occupant does not choose to do so himself, he must arrange disposal of waste materials through the use of a person engaged in the business of collecting and disposing of waste and licensed by Eaton County and registered by the city. No person transporting any refuse in accordance with this subsection shall fail to securely cover and secure the load so that no part of the load shall be lost while being transported.
   (D)   Moist waste. All moist waste shall be wrapped in paper or a plastic bag before being placed in the waste receptacle.
   (E)   Placing receptacles beside street or sidewalk. If waste pickups are made at the curb or from the city right-of-way (areas adjacent to the sidewalk or street), receptacles for such purpose shall only remain at the curb or in areas adjacent to the sidewalk or street from the preceding night to and during the day of pickup. It is the responsibility of the property owner to clean up any waste that may be spilled due to animals or vandalism.
(1993 Code, § 50-8) (Ord. passed 10-28-1991; Ord. passed 1-24-1994)