The Planning Commission may, after approval by the City Council, adopt a Master Plan as a whole or in successive stages, corresponding by parts of a whole plan with major geographical sections or divisions of the city or with functional subdivisions of the whole plan. Before presenting the plan for adoption or any substantial part thereof, the Planning Commission shall hold at least 1 public hearing thereon, notice of the time and place of which shall be given not less than 15 days prior to such hearing, by publication once in a newspaper of general local circulation in the city which is customarily used by the City Council for legal advertisements. Notice of public meetings shall also be sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, to each privately owned public utility and to each railroad company owning or operating a railroad within the geographical boundaries of the Master Plan. This notice shall be mailed 15 days prior to date of public hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold joint meetings with the City Council at a time to be designated by the Mayor.
(1993 Code, § 42-32)