§ 42-30 MASTER PLAN.
   It shall be the function and duty of the Planning Commission to make and adopt a Master Plan for the physical development of the city and to make such revisions from time to time as conditions may require, including any areas outside of its boundaries which, in the Commission's judgment, bear relation to the planning of such city. Such plan, with the accompanying maps, plats, charts and descriptive matter, shall show the Commission's recommendations for the development of the territory, including among other things but not restricted to the general location, character and extent of streets, bridges, waterways, parks and playgrounds; the proposed location of public buildings, other public property, including parking lots, present and proposed location of all utilities, including the sewage collection system, both storm and sanitary, water distribution system, power distribution system, both public and privately operated; telephone and telegraph systems; vacating, opening, widening and relocation of streets, alleys, courts and other public places, together with the improvement of such; location and improvement of airports and cemeteries; rehabilitation of blighted areas or the eradication of such; and recommended changes in the Zoning Plan and Building Code, including the fire limits district. As the work of preparing the whole Master Plan progresses, the Planning Commission may, from time to time, adopt and publish parts thereof, any such part to cover 1 or more major sections of the city or 1 or more of the functional parts included in the Master Plan.
(1993 Code, § 42-30)