(A)   Any user of an access channel, equipment or facilities shall indemnify and hold harmless the city, its Council, officials, officers, boards and commissions, agents and employees, against any liability arising out of such use. The user further acknowledges that the city, its Council, officials, officers, boards and commissions, agents and employees assume no liability for damages, or for errors or omissions resulting from the administration of the rules for operating city access channels.
   (B)   Any user of an access channel, equipment or facilities shall be responsible for the cost of repairs or replacement of equipment and facilities resulting from damage, misuse, or theft which occurs while the equipment or facilities are in the user's possession or control. A user group, and its individual members, as well as the individual who completes a user application form, are responsible for the costs of damages, misuse or theft.
   (C)   The city will maintain and make available for public inspection a record of all requests for equipment and channel use.
(1993 Code, § 18-124) (Ord. passed 8-22-1994)